
Our safeguarding policy, created a secure environment for all, outlining clear guidelines and procedures to protect the wellbeing of children, young people and adults. 

The Film and Television Charity recognises that the welfare of all children, young people, and adults at risk is of paramount importance, and that everyone has equal rights of protection. The Charity has a duty of care to safeguard all those with whom it has contact: beneficiaries, personnel, contractors, partners, stakeholders, donors, commercial office tenants, and the general public. Safeguarding is at the heart of everything the Charity does, and every effort is made to provide a safe and caring environment and culture for everyone involved, with its various services, activities, contracts and services. 

Our policy is developed in line with the safeguarding requirements of the Charity Commission and the under-pinning legislation, government and statutory guidance for adult and child safeguarding across England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland, where the Charity operates. 

Our policy also reflects the local multi-agency arrangements of Safeguarding Partnerships, Boards and Committees across the UK. Across all four countries the key principle is that safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility and each individual and organisation should play their full part; and have a child-centred and adult focused approach at all times. 

Please see the full policy for further details. 

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