Become a charity of the year corporate partner

As an employer, you never know when your staff might need our support – but when they do, we’ll be there for them. 

Become a charity of the year partner with the Film and TV Charity

If your company is looking for a way to engage your employees and to help support thousands of workers every year, you can become a Charity of the Year partner.

Why work with us?

Partnering with us brings valuable benefits for you and your employees, the film, TV and cinema industry in the following ways:

Ways to partner

You can customise the way your company partners with the Film and TV Charity. Here are some options to consider:

Case Study: Cineworld’s Success as a Charity of the Year Partner

The Charity’s origins started with cinema, so it’s fitting that Cineworld became our first Charity of the Year Partner in 2022, supporting us over one quarter each year. Since then, Cineworld has raised over £50,000 to support people working behind-the-scenes, which includes staff working in cinemas across the country.

We are proud to partner with the Film and TV Charity once again as our charity of the quarter. The incredible work they do to support people working behind-the-scenes in exhibition is more important than ever.
Shaun Jones, Vice President of Operations and Company Director 

Our partnership is going from strength to strength. Cineworld’s employee involvement is highly engaged and they’ve approached this partnership with loads of enthusiasm, competing internally to see which cinema raises the most money to support our cause.

What makes this partnership a fundraising success is that everybody at Cineworld, from the executives to the cinema staff, have taken our partnership to heart, putting in heaps of effort to get their local communities engaged with our work

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